The Most Expensive Real Estate in Colorado goes for $75 Million
A 876-acre estate in Snowmass, Colorado is being sold at $75 million Dollars. It is owned by book author Patti Wheeler and her husband and is considered one of the most beautiful and luxurious properties in the state.

It is located at 1220 Watson Drive Road, on the road to Snowmass Creek. The property has six bedrooms and eleven bathrooms, and the living space measures 18,500 square feet, which also includes a movie theater, spa and treatment rooms, a video room, an indoor/outdoor swimming pool, and outdoor kitchen and a video game room.

Outside the living space, it boasts three swimming pools, a private beach club and 15 miles of hiking trails. This is a gorgeous estate that surpasses the Hala Ranch, recently sold by Prince Bandar Bin Sultan to John Alfred Paulson for $49 million Dollars.