$91,500 for a Hermès T-shirt made entirely of Crocodile Skin
French luxury goods firm Hermès just unveiled a piece of clothing perfect for the closet of the fashionistas and über rich that will make animal right advocates rage: a $91,500 t-shirt made from skin of Nile crocodiles.

The garment forms part of their Spring 2013 collection, properly named “Crocodile Chiffon”, but was just recently spotted in stores. Hermès boutiques do not allow photographs, but savvy bloggers from The Awl managed to take a snap of the price tag for anyone who might have any doubts of the veracity such mind-blowing price for a t-shirt. The explanation behind the price tag is that not only is the Nile crocodile a rare species, it’s also very lightweight and does not have that sticky feeling leather has when temperature rises. It is now officially the world’s second most expensive t-shirt, far behind an organic cotton t-shirt bejeweled with diamonds.

As one would expect, PETA had something to say about this: “The highest price for this rather cheap-looking and ludicrous Hermès T-shirt is paid by the crocodiles who were bludgeoned to death or even skinned alive to make it. PETA suggests showing creativity, not cruelty to animals, and offering killer looks that no one had to be killed for to create,” said Colleen O’Brien, spokeswoman for the animal rights organization.