Perrier-Jouët’s New Belle Epoque Florale Edition champagne by Makoto Azuma
The Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque Florale Edition by Makoto Azuma was revealed at the Happoen-garden in Tokyo City, Japan.

The Japanese floral artist created a delicate composition of an arabesque with white Japanese anemones, which represent truth and sincerity. The design of the bottle pays homage to the work of Emile Gallé and his Art Nouveau designs.
Makoto Azuma is the owner of Tokyo flower shopg Jardins des Fleurs. The Japanese artist was a perfect match for Perrier-Jouët, since Emile Gallé chose white Japanese anemones for his 1902 design. He was inspired and passionate about flowers but also by Japanese art.

Hervé Deschamps, Perrier-Jouët’s cellar master, chose a 2004 vintage to express the elegant style of the house. Its taste blossoms with hints of flowers, white fruits and fresh marzipan. The Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque Florale Edition will be available in limited quantities at the most exclusive stores come September. Expect to pay an average of 300 Euros for such exquisite bottle.